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No New Posts Healing Haven

Small alcoves shelter the chanseys, blisseys and other pokemon with the power to heal. These gentle pokemon watch over the special pools that hold the healing water. Wounded pokemon may come here to be healed and let the special pools work their wound-erasing magic, but the pokemon and pools may or may not be able to save your character from death. And they can and will do nothing for pokemon who are evil at heart.

1 13 The first visit~ [Open]
by Fires and Rivers
May 26, 2008 23:40:58 GMT -5

Great Erymire Lake

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Unexpected Rememberance [Pidgey, Open]
aspinwolf476 12 1,189 by aspinwolf476
Jan 25, 2009 15:58:13 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Guardian Returns
Jespeon 54 1,821 by Ren
Jun 24, 2008 9:52:07 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Surrounded by Beauty [Open]
kitsune 0 936 by kitsune
Jun 23, 2008 21:29:43 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Berry Island
Maru 134 2,326 by Maru
Jun 18, 2008 17:27:00 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A Day At A Iland(open)
Destiny 28 1,081 by Destiny
Jun 12, 2008 14:35:26 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Grace and Fury
Omni 32 1,496 by Maru
Jun 7, 2008 19:59:18 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Search for the Beast of Erymire Lake
jereon 113 1,751 by Sepheroth
Apr 25, 2007 15:34:36 GMT -5


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Great Erymire Lake
The Erymire River empties out into this huge body of water, which is a favourite home of water pokemon. Lying south of the southernmost fields of Erymire, this lake goes on for miles, twisting and turning through a tangle of smaller mountains. Beware for the winters here can be harsher than the mild ones of north and central Erymire. Along the winding shores of the lake rise mountains forested with pine and spruce.
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