Post by aspinwolf476 on Nov 2, 2008 15:37:00 GMT -5
There was a light fog forming over the lake's surface, and the poochyena's dark fur was shrouded in mist. Blinking at the calm serenity of the water, he slowly trailed his dark paw through the liquid pool, feeling its icy chill send tremors through his foreleg. Blinking, Nightshade looked up, his eyes focusing on the sky. It was fairly clear, though a few clouds dotted its afternoon sun.
"To think, so long ago, on this very day....."
He murmured half to himself, his voice slightly rasping. A strange feeling overcame him and he felt the sudden urge to wash himself of his thoughts. In one swift movement, he had dove straight into the Great Lake's depths, sending a wave of water surging upon the shore.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Nov 2, 2008 15:46:57 GMT -5
It was a clear day, save for the occasional fluffy white cumulus cloud drifting lazily through the blue sky. Perfect flying conditions.
A bird of prey circled high above the Great Erymire Lake, scanning the water for any movement that could indicate possible prey. It was lunch time, and Keenai needed to feed his voracious appetite.
Then, the Pidgeotto spotted something dark moving along the shoreline. It looked to large to him to be prey, but he decided to investigate anyway. The bird tucked his wings back and swooped down, low enough so that the Poochyena could hear him. "Beautiful day for a walk, huh."
Post by aspinwolf476 on Nov 2, 2008 15:58:03 GMT -5
Nightshade felt the cool wash of the water over his fur, and he spotted a shadow hovering above the surface. Kicking his paws, he broke the surface, treading water for a while. Looking at the pidgeotto who had lowered closer to the ground, he didn't reply immediately.
"You could say that, though I suppose you would say it was beautiful to fly in. Down here there is nothing but fog."
He said, narrowing his eyes and climbing back onto firm ground. Then he shook himself, sending water in all directions. Nightshade stretched his limbs and then sat down at the water's edge, his muzzle angled towards the sky so that he could maintain a clear view of Keenai.
"I am Nightshade. What might your name be, traveler?"
He said cautiously. He hadn't spoken to any pokemon for a long time, and the words felt strange coming out of his mouth. He would have seemed like any other poochyena, if it weren't for his strange pitch black fur and the scars that ran over his face. Nightshade's tattered ear swayed slightly as a chill breeze passed by the lake.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Nov 3, 2008 2:08:15 GMT -5
The Pidgeotto circled back a second time, just in time to hear the Poochyena introduce himself.
"I am Nightshade. What might your name be, traveler?"
Swooping from the sky, Keenai made an expert landing on an old driftwood log. "My name is Keenai, friend." He replied.
The hawk-like pokemon stretched his wings before tucking them tightly against his sturdy body. "So, what brings a guy like you down to the lake shore?" He asked casually.
Post by aspinwolf476 on Nov 3, 2008 22:36:56 GMT -5
Nightshade let his shoulders relax slightly as he watched Keenie settle on a piece of debri that was floating upon the lake, close to shore. Deciding he could trsut this bird, temporarily at least, he turned his head to observe him. It was the second time that day that he had spotted a bird pokemon nearer then five meters. Of course, the first one he had seen had ended up his breakfast, but he wasn't about to let this hunter know.
One of his instincts told him not to mess around with an evolved pokemon that had claws and a temper. Shrugging off the thought, he listened, his eyes flickering slightly at the word friend. He couldn't remember the last time someone had called him by that title.
"Just thought that lake was rather....."
Searching for the word, he scanned his memory for some faint speech he had heard before, an adjective that was commonly used by the forest pokemon around. Then a satisfied look crossed his face, and he finished by saying,
"Rather pretty today, in that sort of mysterious sense, if you know what I mean."
His voice as smooth as silk on the wind, he surprised himself at how unrealistic his speech was, seeing as he hadn't spoken to another pokemon since the battle with.... A dark blindfold seemed to envelope his mind, and he could no longer remember what his thoughts were about, therefore letting them wander and drift away until there was nothing left but the bird pokemon in front of him and the woods and lake around.
"It is around lunch time now. I suppose you were hunting, then..... Friend."
He hesitated slightly at the last word, which seemed foreign and strange.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Dec 24, 2008 20:50:15 GMT -5
"It is around lunch time now. I suppose you were hunting, then..... Friend."
"I was," Keenai replied, with a curt nod of his hooked bill. The Pidgeotto shuffled his wings and ruffled up his chest feathers as a cool breeze rippled his brown and white plumage. The long feathers in his crest swayed gracefully as the bird turned his head to survey the lake. Spotting nothing of interest, Keenai fixed his sharp eyes on the canine.
"Nothing in these waters but Magikarp (sp?)." He said with a scowl. "And they're hardly worth the effort." Having lived off of fish and rodents for much of the season, Keenai was craving a real meal. Something that would satisfy his hunger, as well as his need for a challenging hunt.
"I saw a group of Stantler, a ways back in the woods," he said, gesturing toward the tree line with a wing. "If you're feeling up to it, we could bring one down." He suggested.
Stretching a wing, Keenai waited on Nightshade's reply.
Post by aspinwolf476 on Dec 24, 2008 23:48:01 GMT -5
Twitching his ears, the poochyena contemplated his choices. He had not hunted with another pokemon since his family had been alive, and that had been long ago. Then again, maybe working temporarily with another creature would be good for him. Looking up at Keenai as he made his decision, Nightshade's amber eyes gleamed briefly.
"Very well. Sounds satisfying."
He said, his voice soft against the wind. Narrowing his eyes, he stood up, his claws digging into the ground at the prospect of a meal. He had never met Keenai before, but somehow he sensed that the pidgeotto was a skilled and experienced hunter. Nodding lightly, he scented the air.
"Alright... Friend, why don't you lead the way?"
Friend.... Have I ever truly had one? What does it mean, to have a FRIEND.... Mother said it was someone who cared about you.... But, They also said They were my friends.... And then They.....
Black once more. Blinking, he looked up, allowing the lake breeze to clear his mind.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Dec 28, 2008 12:39:23 GMT -5
"Alright... Friend, why don't you lead the way?"
"All right," the Pidgeotto replied, with a nod of his hooked bill. Keenai spread his wings and launched his body into the air. Once airborne, the hawk-like Pokemon quickly gained altitude with a few deft strokes of his wings. He did not fly so high, however, that he would lose sight of Nightshade, nor would the Poochyena lose sight of him.
A gentle updraft filled his wings and held him aloft. He barely needed to twitch a muscle or a feather to maintain his altitude or airspeed. He couldn't have asked for better flying conditions.
From where he was, suspended in the sky, he could see the small band of Stantler he had described to Nightshade. The deer-like Pokemon grazed in silent peace, completely unaware to the predator soaring above their heads. Keenai shifted his focus from one potential target to another, sizing the prey up to determine which Pokemon would make the toughest challenge, or the best meal.
Keenai circled back and swooped low, skimming the tree tops as he came in to alight in a tree branch above Nightshade's head. "I've spotted the herd. They're only a short hike away, in that direction," he said, indicating the trees with a nod of his bill. "The herd is mostly females and offspring, a few young and old bucks, hardly a challenge at all, really," he said, with a shrug of his wings. "There is however, one big male that looks pretty tough. I'd guess he's the leader."
Sharpening his curved talons, preparing himself for the hunt, Keenai waited on Nightshade's input.
Post by aspinwolf476 on Dec 28, 2008 17:53:31 GMT -5
Trotting across the ground, directly below Keenai, Nightshade padded along, ears erect as he took in the information that the pidgeotto relayed down to him.
Cautious as to how much noise he should make with the herd so closeby, Nightshade wished he had some sort of telepathic power.
Well, I don't. So I'll have to tell him in person.
Looking around, he spotted a nearby tree that had some low hanging branches. Bracing himself, he leaped onto the tree soundlessly. From here, he could get a better view and vocal range with the pidgeotto.
"Keenai, the stantler will be vulnerable if we seperate them from the lead stag. One of us can distract the male while the other takes down one of the strays."
Sacrifice. He had experienced it so much, yet understood it so little. What did it truly mean to give up something close to you just to gain another? Shaking his head, he waited for the bird's response.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Jan 23, 2009 19:54:45 GMT -5
With a nod of his sharply hooked bill to indicate that he understood the Poochyena, Keenai muttered a response. "I'll provide a distraction, then," he suggested, flexing his wickedly curved talons. "Sound like a plan?"
The thought of sinking his talons into flesh made him quiver with excitement. Keenai could not be considered a bloodthirsty bird, especially when compared against members of the Hoard, but his predatory instincts were to strong to be ignored. He was a bird of prey, and he needed to hunt and kill in order to survive, simple as that.
Stretching a wing, he awaited a response from Nightshade.
Post by aspinwolf476 on Jan 24, 2009 15:42:32 GMT -5
Contemplating momentarily, Nightshade convinced himself that Keenai was an experienced hunter and if anything, he should worry about his-self being trampled. Keenai could look after himself, there was nothing to worry about. Nodding swiftly in agreement, the poochyena flicked his tail softly, motioning for the hunt to begin.
Scanning the herd, his eyes fell on one particular stag who appeared to be hobbling slightly. His left leg was bruised, and he moved slowed then the other stantler. Narrowing his eyes, he jerked his head in the direction of the injured stantler, indicating that it would be their next meal. Crouching down amongst the purple-leaved bushes behind him, he went completely still until he himself seemed to have dissolved into the undergrowth.
Basic Pokémon
Bird Brain
Posts: 269
Post by Pidgey on Jan 24, 2009 20:09:03 GMT -5
As the Poochyena slid into the undergrowth, Keenai spread his wings and silently launched himself into the air. Once airborne, he zeroed in on the herd, targeting the lead stag. Inside his mind, he had a little plan going that would make picking off the injured Stantler an easy task.
"Pidgeooo!" A piercing battle cry announced that the hunt was on. The deer-like Pokemon's heads snapped up in alarm as the Pidgeotto dive-bombed them with a Quick Attack. The herd panicked, and scattered in all directions. The injured individual, however, had a hard time keeping up, and was quickly left behind. On his own, he stood no chance against two hungry predators.
An angry bellow alerted Keenai to the lead stag. The Stanter tossed his mighty antlers as he prepared to charge the Pidgeotto with a Take Down attack, determined to defend his herd from the bird of prey. Keenai dodged with Agility, and swooped down to assault the stag with a second Quick Attack.
With the Stag's attention on the Pidgeotto, Nightshade would have no trouble sneaking up on their intended target.
Post by aspinwolf476 on Jan 25, 2009 15:58:13 GMT -5
Nightshade himself was slightly taken aback by the pidgeotto's speed, but as soon as he spotted the herd scatter and had assured himself that the lead stag's attention was on keenai, the poochyena raced forward, his paws gliding silently across the ground. He could see the wounded stantler ahead; it walked much like a torchic, so it wasn't too hard to spot it.
I should probably finish it off with one bite...
He thought to himself, and, pushing off the ground, he leaped in front of it, swiveled so that he was facing the stantler, and with one swift Bite attack, the surprised stantler was felled. Mustering up his strength, he managed to drag the deceased pokemon into the undergrowth, but not before giving a sharp bark to let Keenai know that the prey had been captured.