Post by Clif on Apr 15, 2008 18:29:55 GMT -5
Chancol nodded, his eyes shifting to observe the many fights that were occurring in order to push the Horde's front-line forward in their offense, the relatively young charmeleon knew that if he had entered the fray, he would be a large target to the rebels, so he remained as a buffer to those who were suffering in battle, and occasionally would concentrate his aura upon those in need in order to turn the tide of battle. "No...I know what you mean...there's nothing wrong with the rebels in this area, but it just seems as if there's a whole other superpower behind them; I hope we don't find out what it is when it's too late..." the charmeleon replied, a solemn look on his face, hating the fact that he was somewhat killing the optimism that Luna was portraying. Even though he couldn't call her one of his strongest allies, he was considering her to be one who kept him quite sane amongst those who referred to him as a high lord of respect; the charmeleon was never one who favored the social attention of being a powerful being.
Post by Ren on Apr 16, 2008 17:14:20 GMT -5
Luna understood completely. If they were too late, it would be calamitous. She continued to walk with the Shadowlord. "If it's not too bold, what do we do now?" she asked, her sad eyes gazed at some of the other horde members fighting. After fighting a fellow umbreon, she realized how much she really didn't like killing. Only if necessary. Now many pokemon were being killed.
Post by Clif on Apr 17, 2008 17:57:11 GMT -5
Chancol noted Luna's sorrowful expression, but didn't comment upon it, although he did continue to assist those who were in need of some extra strength. His extreme concentration upon aiding those who were loyal to him was only shown through his eyes, firmly set upon one fight or another, and once he had a break and the front-line began to push forward he spoke, "We aren't in any position in order to advance to where ever this source of energy is coming from--definitely they aren't of higher power, like the Guardian, but they do have something to back them up."
((ooc: Trying to make some progress in "I Don't Have to Try" before making a move ^_^''))
Post by Ren on Apr 17, 2008 18:24:40 GMT -5
Luna nodded in understanding. Then she laughed randomly. "Times like these really make you think, you know?" she stated. "Like, when I was little my brother always told me stories about the Guardians and even about the previous Shadowlord. Not much, but enough to make me curious. He liked to scare me a lot, and was sort of disappointed that I wasn't frightened," she recalled. She shook her head. "I'm sorry...I just worry about him sometimes..."
((I understand. ^___^))
Post by Clif on Apr 17, 2008 18:36:27 GMT -5
Chancol looked back at the umbreon in interest, his eyes holding a new curiosity to them, "Where is your little brother anyway? You've never mentioned any family of yours still alive today...are they still alive?" he asked, his face quickly swiveling back to the fight every once in a while, then fixating upon Luna once again. Family wasn't exactly a subject he could relate to easily, his parents couldn't exactly stand him once he had achieved his status, and attempted to kill him once he refused to relinquish his power to his father. Of course, he killed his father, but his mother was forced into the dungeon, knowing she'd reconsider her actions and follow him with or without her own input.
Post by Ren on Apr 17, 2008 19:04:03 GMT -5
Luna smiled at his interest. "Older brother, actually. The only family I ever had. I never knew my parents, and Auron never told me about them. So I didn't concern myself with them," she told him. "He always told me never to go to the Fortress. He said I could be thrown into the dungeon or killed. But one day we got in a fight, and I wanted to make him mad, so I came to the Fortress," she explained, then grinned. "But I'm happy that I did. I think that I can become a lot stronger, even if the horde isn't what it used to be," she added.
"If I'm not prying, what about your family, Milord?" she asked.
Post by Clif on Apr 18, 2008 17:45:10 GMT -5
Chancol nodded as she explained her relationships with her family, and he somewhat grinned as he learned about how she had ventured into the ranks of the Horde, "First off, you don't have to refer to me in respect, I get that enough from others..."
He rolled his neck before he continued with his response, "Well, first off, I'm an only child, no siblings or anything close to such. My parents were actually quite caring while I was a charmander, but continuously they showed an interest in hoping that I'd get to a higher power. So once I had somewhat separated from them when I had evolved, they checked up on me a few times every season, hoping that I had done something great for the Horde, and once I had assisted with the defense strategy when the Light attacked, then those visits occurred more often..."
The charmeleon rolled his eyes, recalling how is father would continuously encourage him to let him know about any good news. "Eventually when I became Shadowlord, they expected me to relinquish my power to my father; which resulted in his swift death when he persisted in trying to convince me," Chancol couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he thought about the number of pokemon that actually kill their parents.
Post by Ren on Apr 18, 2008 18:30:33 GMT -5
"I see," Luna replied, thinking over what he had said. "You got a lot of pressure from your parents, I pressume?" she stated. Trying to remember her own parents was hard, so she was curious about Chancol's.
((Sorry it's short!!!))
Post by Clif on Apr 19, 2008 12:12:33 GMT -5
Chancol laughed a bit, "I can't say that I got a lot of pressure from them, but they expected a lot back for taking care of me...even though they are my parents, I just couldn't let them just expect to use me in order to obtain power. They were hoping that if they stayed on my good side, and 'checked-up' on me every once in a while, they'd think we'd be best of friends...after a while I figured out what they were trying to do, and it didn't roll over well with me," his eyes rolled as he progressed closer to the fight.
As the counterattack continued on, the air had cooled down enough in order to begin freezing any water in clouds overhead, releasing a steady stream of snowflakes to fall down onto the blood-soaked battle scene, the pure white substance absorbing the red water and covering the corpses of the recently fallen. The charmeleon grimaced at the feeling of snow falling upon his hide; being a fire-type really wasn't pleasant in any kind of weather that involved some form of water.
Post by Ren on Apr 19, 2008 17:37:41 GMT -5
Luna's eyes widened as she looked around. "SNOW!" she exclaimed. Still a child, this simply amazed her. She then regained her composure, but couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think you like snow, Shadowlord!" she said, still grinning. Knowing the answer would be something like "Duh", she continued. "Since it's frozen water and all...I had a Flareon friend who never liked snow either." She looked down at her foot prints, walking around a little more.
((That is almost exactly what I did when we got snow! Haha I called all my friends and went out and played. But then I caught a cold 'cuz I was wearing pj pants and my dad's jacket!))
Post by Clif on Apr 20, 2008 20:26:18 GMT -5
The charmeleon couldn't help but chuckle at the umbreon's childish outbreak, "Yeah, the snow bothers me quite a bit, but it's something we all must deal with every once in a while," he replied, the flame on his tail increasing in size in order to accommodate for the further drop in temperature due to the gathering snow on the ground.
At this point during the battle, the rebels were now just attempting to strike down the young Shadowlord, their efforts shown though their action of bypassing Horde fighters and going straight for Chancol; the first to break through was a machamp, its four arms able to knock over a few of its opponents and charge the charmeleon. Unfortunately for Chancol, he hadn't been facing that side of the field.
Post by Ren on Apr 21, 2008 17:49:21 GMT -5
Luna turned back with a grin. But her grin quickly faded as she saw the fighting-type pokemon. Her eyes widened when she realized the plot and only a million things went through her head. Thinking on instinct and loyalty alone, she quickly jumped behind Chancol, if only to block the attack. She shot a quick shadowball towards the machamp, knowing it probably wouldn't do much. Her head turned slightly and she gave a grin to the Shadowlord. "Run! I can take 'im!" she ordered. It felt weird giving orders to her superior, but she had to do something.
Post by Clif on Apr 21, 2008 19:25:28 GMT -5
Machamp easily withstood the shadow ball, charging straight into it, only stopping to regain his balance before taking off just as quickly to tackle the small umbreon. Chancol turned around, watching the four-armed mass rushing towards Luna, causing him to quickly focus upon her, his shadow energy becoming visible around the canine, "Ha! You think I'm going anywhere? I may not fight directly, but I am no coward!" the charmeleon laughed as he closed his eyes to focus on more than just his relatively new friend and ally.
To Chancol, this was just merely more training in using his dark powers to reestablish the Horde's power, knowing that he wasn't of much combat use directly until he was fully evolved. A smirk was visible upon his countenance as he concentrated his shadow energy in other places also.
Post by Ren on Apr 22, 2008 21:24:32 GMT -5
Luna blinked, feeling a new energy running through her body. She smirked. "Ok, we'll fight together then. It's more fun that way," she replied.
((I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry! I have no idea what else to put! >__< You'll have to help me out a little...))
Post by Clif on Apr 22, 2008 21:49:42 GMT -5
Inwardly, Chancol gave a sigh, his current knowledge of his power's had already taught him that any pokemon that hadn't been fully shadowed--willingly or forcefully--would experience great pain depending upon how much shadow energy was being channeled into said being.
Meanwhile, the machamp had wound-up for a cross chop attack, two of his four arms moved behind him then at a swift pace forward to knock the puny umbreon out of his way. The fighting pokemon's face portrayed confidence, completely forgetting the fact that Chancol was now assisting the younger canine in this fight.
Using his energy as a link, a very small voice could be heard near Luna, that of which belonged to Chancol, "Use another shadow ball...trust me..." the voice seemed to echo just slightly as it ended its dialog.
((Hehe, don't worry, I'll help you out with this ^_^))
Post by Ren on Apr 23, 2008 17:28:29 GMT -5
Luna nodded, getting up. ~Ok...wasn't expecting that...~ she thought, getting behind the machamp. Doing as she was told, she shot another shadowball at the fighting-type pokemon and prayed that it worked.
((Thank you very much! *hugs*))
Post by Clif on Apr 23, 2008 17:59:34 GMT -5
The machamp smirked as he knocked the umbreon out of the way, not making sense of why the Shadowlord had his eyes closed, convincing himself that the charmeleon was just bracing itself for impact since now it had a focus punch charged and ready to crush Chancol's skull in.
Unbeknown to the fighting pokemon, the umbreon he had just knocked away had just topped his focus punch with an extremely potent shadowball, the attack moved just like a normal one, but two times larger, and left a black streak behind it. Only able to turn around just before the attack made its impact with him, his last thought was the comprehension of what extreme pain he was in before his life ended in what seemed like an instant, the body of the machampfading to a silhouette. Then his body appeared to become a sculpture of unstable sand, grains slowly falling off of it until after ten seconds, the whole sculpture fell apart, forming a very small pile of black sand.
Chancol walked over to the umbreon nonchalantly, placing a hand upon her shoulder, "See, I told you that you'll be fine..." he said, somewhat smugly.
Post by Ren on Apr 23, 2008 18:07:23 GMT -5
Luna smiled up at him. "Thanks for the help. The muscle brain hits hard!" she exclaimed, laughing. She then looked at the dust that was left and some emotion like compassion over came her. She let her head fall, closing her eyes and silently paying respects for the pokemon, even if it DID try and hurt the Shadowlord. Lifting her head back up, she stared forward, thinking about what the future might hold.
Post by Clif on Apr 24, 2008 17:20:01 GMT -5
The charmeleon returned the smile, a few of his teeth barely visible, "No problem, I couldn't let you fight that brute alone, what kind of ruler would I be if I did that?" he chuckled, turning back to look at the umbreon, noting her action of paying respect to the now dead pokemon, all that could prove that there once was a pokemon there, was the contrasting black dust against the white powdery snow.
Post by Ren on Apr 25, 2008 20:18:29 GMT -5
Luna looked back. "What are your orders?" she asked. Thinking the question over, she tried to think of another way to say it. "I mean, we do need to stop the other rebels and help the remaining allies. And even after that, I feel a stronger force in the world," she explained. She then smiled. "Normally I just go with the flow but now would be a good time to have a plan," she added.
Post by Clif on Apr 26, 2008 11:26:28 GMT -5
Chancol nodded, his eyes drifting about the battlefield, "We're about halfway through the Fortress, I doubt that after we make a push the rebels will have much of a chance to withstand the continuous fighting after much longer. We'll push from the western side of the complex, and then work our way over to the east in order to box them in to finish off any rebels that haven't surrendered or died," the charmeleon quickly began to move, motioning for Luna to come too, towards the furthest western point that he had access to where there still was a boarder of fighting.
Chancol's reasons for picking the west was mostly due to the fact that he had noticed that fewer higher evolved and stronger pokemon had gathered on that end of the Fortress, proof being the number of Horde bodies versus Rebel bodies. Coincidentally one random charmeleon ran up to meet the two; at first he just seemed like any other oddly colored charmeleon but after a second look at him, one would realize that he was a copy of Chancol. The Shadowlord smirked, recognizing the ditto from when the Fortress had been attacked a while back, assisting him in many ways when he was in a tight spot. For laughs, he didn't say anything to Luna, he'd just allow her to pick up on the similarity between he and his doppleganger.
Post by Ren on Apr 26, 2008 13:52:30 GMT -5
Luna wrinkled her nose at the other pokemon. She could clearly tell it wasn't the real thing from its scent, but it was a pokemon she didn't recognize. She knew of no pokmon that had that ability.
After a few moments of trying to figure it all out, she turned to Chancol. "Is this some kind of trick?" she asked, somewhat frustrated. She never liked things she didn't understand, and got angry when she couldn't figure something out. And on top of that, she felt stupid for not knowing, making her even more angry. "What game is this?"
Post by Clif on Apr 27, 2008 0:06:08 GMT -5
The ditto stepped forward, still disguised as Chancol, grinning, "Don't worry about me, I'm not a threat to you..." one claw landed upon her shoulder and promptly the ditto shifted into a living copy of the umbreon. The mimic also copied her body language and countenance, portraying the same frustration and confusion as Luna; somewhat like a mirror of sorts.
Chancol chuckled, "Well, like my friend said, you don't need to worry about him, we've just become good friends over time and I allow him to mimic me when needed; it turns out to be a great strategy in fights like this, it makes them think that I'm nearby when I'm really not...he'll be able to help us in what we plan to do."
Post by Ren on Apr 27, 2008 11:55:13 GMT -5
Luna's anger faded away as she looked over her copy, then glancing at herself. This cycle went on for a few moments. She had heard what the Shadowlord had said, and nodded in understanding, but she was curious about this pokemon now. Finally, she asked "Do I really look like that?"
Post by Clif on Apr 27, 2008 12:19:53 GMT -5
The ditto laughed, "Yeah, its strange looking at a reflection of yourself, isn't it?" she looked around, still in Luna's form. Fixating her gaze back upon the Shadowlord, the mimic spoke once again, "So what brings you to this end of the battlefield? There are only weaker pokemon here, not much to push with here..." he trailed off.
Chancol nodded, "Yeah I understand, but with me assisting them we should be able to make some sort of push..." he said trailing off, his attention returning to the battlefront.
Post by Ren on Apr 27, 2008 16:03:26 GMT -5
Luna looked at Chancol, walking to his side. She had no comment at the moment; she just wanted to be there if there came a time when she was needed. She did keep glancing at her copy, wondering what its true form was like. She quickly pushed the thought away, hoping to concentrate on the battles around her and the one ahead.
Post by Clif on Apr 27, 2008 21:27:25 GMT -5
((ooc: sorry that it's long but I hope you like it ^_^)
The clone caught Luna's glances, smirking inwardly, guessing what the umbreon was thinking; like most dittos, they didn't remain long in their normal forms unless something truly forced them out of holding their figure. The only exception would be when a ditto first comes to be, practicing its transformation into other Pokémon.
The charmeleon didn't approach the front-line at all; instead the young Shadow Lord sat down his eyes closing and taking deep breaths, meditating. There was reason for Chancol's odd behavior but rarely did anyone see it; mostly because he never had to rely upon his full capacity when fighting alone, but he did know he had to refine his powers sooner or later before he would be able to stand alone up to the forces of the Light.
To the devoted dark-Pokémon, the battlefield was all the same to them, only the slight shading of their surroundings made a difference.
The ditto copy smirked, he was one of the lucky few to comprehend what Chancol was preparing for, he and Zeelo would be the only ones in the Fortress who could comprehend what was about to happen, and even with their knowledge of the scenario, they were still lacking knowledge about this ritual. "This is going to be fun..." Luna's mimic said smugly, a smirk plastered on her face.
For those who took part in the rebellion and those who weren't of dark nature in the immediate area of the Shadow Lord, their lives instantly turned to a living hell.
Take to the skies and obliterate the enemy...
A dragonite took to the skies, one of the few dragon-type Pokémon that had defected from the Horde and took part in the rebellion. He was feeling victorious as his hyper beam tore through the Horde retaliation, leaving many wounded and dead in its wake. Despite the grim outlook he had when the Horde had begun to retaliate against the rebellion, the dragonite was now wearing a smirk on his face, due to the fact that his end of the battlefield appeared to be doing exceptionally well against his enemy.
Circling in midair in order to rest for another hyper beam, the dragonite noticed the young Shadow Lord along with a couple of allies, both of which didn't look like formidable opponents. He smirked to himself as he had enough energy for another hyper beam, but was cut short as his world fell dimmer when he flew towards the charmeleon. All of a sudden it required all of his mental and physical strength in order to keep himself aloft in flight, ~What...what's...happening...?~ he thought to himself, alarmed as he saw many of his own allies falling unconscious as they too felt the same strange symptoms. Similar to the dragonite, many on the ground were just using their whole strength to keep themselves standing, allowing any Horde who were fighting to either retreat, or assist the other parts of the battlefield, only after realizing that the Shadow Lord had assisted in the fight.
As the dragonite observed, he noticed the area of effect that the strange conditions had, as he began to descend he saw that others on the other side of the battlefield were still fighting against the stronger garrison of Horde. About a full quarter of his allies in the entire rebellion had either been stunned or knocked unconscious.
The strong urge just to pass out constantly fought to take over the dragonite's mind, but he was able to resist due to the deadly plunge to the ground if he did. Luckily for the dragon, he was still able to comprehend what he was seeing on the ground; to him it wasn't a great sight. Those who had passed out remained on the ground, some dead, while others remaining in the realm of the living,--he couldn't tell at this height--but those who had the resilience to keep themselves just barely standing in the shadowy aura slowly began to approach the Shadow Lord, if one could judge, it seemed as if they were zombies, while those who had passed out remained where they were, most likely to not wake up for a while.
Just then did the dragonite figure out what had happened and shook his head in disbelief, having checked the last time the charmeleon had no power that seemed to even come close. Even though the dragonite didn't want to believe it, Chancol had successfully forced a majority of his allies into submission though his demonic power. Now, a little over a quarter of his former allies stood at the side of the Shadow Lord, ready to turn on those who they fought for only moments ago. ~ The charmeleon opened his eyes, and a toothy, evil grin formed upon his face, and all he could do was give a chuckle as he asked, “Are you ready to stop this rebellion?” to his newly formed allies who promptly and silently gave an affirmative nod.
Post by Jespeon on Apr 28, 2008 15:10:02 GMT -5
(As soon as your finished here, Zilla wants a word with Chancol. She's in the Horde and isn't making a big deal about hiding herself so you'll spot her easy)
Post by Clif on Apr 28, 2008 17:46:57 GMT -5
Swiftly the charmeleon's new minions began to attack mercilessly, with now signs of slowing down anytime soon, drawing the blood and sweat of those who were once their friends or allies.
Chancol heard a crash in a different section of the Fortress, his eyes drifting towards the noise, rolling his eyes, knowing that he should probably move towards the noise, "Ren," he motioned for Ren, "You, let's go," he then gestured to the clone and began to walk off towards the destruction at a leisurely pace.
*Con't @ "I Don't Have to Try"*