Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 15:24:37 GMT -5
I was just wondering, has Erymire always been this inactive? I've been here two days and so far most of the members haven't posted in months. It saddens me to join a forum and see it this inactive.
Baby Pokémon
Posts: 55
Post by wolfy on Feb 10, 2008 15:51:57 GMT -5
Erymire is not dead, it has just not been discovered, but yes usually you have to wait a day for someone to reply, the site still is fun though
Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 16:20:55 GMT -5
Well, also, none of the mods have been on in months.
Perhaps we should... advertise?
Post by ~Handy~ on Feb 10, 2008 16:27:56 GMT -5
Hey, Ive done that before. Thats a good idea Omega. I adervitised on pokemonXS.
Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 16:29:11 GMT -5
So did I but it was completely ignored. We should make a topic.
Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 18:20:17 GMT -5
I propose a solution: We abandon this forum and build a new one. Ordinarily, I wouldn't jump to such conclusions, but, seeing as how none of the moderators have been active in months, we should. It will be just like this one, but we could change the rules of the road to our liking. Who's with me?
Post by Ren on Feb 10, 2008 19:37:18 GMT -5
Gomen! I've been sick with the flu for the past like forever and my dad wouldn't let me near the computer! Sorry! But as long as people still post here, I'm sticking around.
Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 19:47:07 GMT -5
Well, I was thinking it would be a possibility. The thing that troubles me is the lack of mods around here.
Post by Ren on Feb 10, 2008 19:50:25 GMT -5
Well, I think that Jespi-chan and Burn-kun are in charge as of now, since they're the oldest members. *shrugs*
Post by Omega on Feb 10, 2008 19:53:15 GMT -5
Yes, but they're not official mods and no one can make them mods. Right now, the forum's basically a car without an engine. Come on, I need an older member to help me get this off the ground.
Basic Pokémon
USOE=Unofficial Spriter Of Erymire
Posts: 250
Post by Rachel on Feb 11, 2008 17:00:43 GMT -5
i dont think we should abandon this website. why would we need mods anyways? teh sites doing fine.
Post by ~Handy~ on Feb 11, 2008 17:04:24 GMT -5
I dont want to leave this site, I just got back. Jespeon, Burn-Something and I are propablaby the oldest members. I think Jespeon should be a mod.
Baby Pokémon
Posts: 98
Post by Flame on Feb 11, 2008 18:57:10 GMT -5
Erymire is doing fine without admins and mods. I say stay! Even if you all leave, erymire will stay strong!
Post by ~Handy~ on Feb 11, 2008 19:01:22 GMT -5
Flame does have a point, but he has only been here 2 months.
Post by Clif on Feb 12, 2008 1:56:14 GMT -5
Uh, time that you've been here doesn't really matter to make a point.
I do have to side with Flame though in this matter, time has been kind; the small group of us who still remain here are keeping the group running w/o much mod control. The only problem would be if there was a great influx of active members, then there could possibly be a problem, but if things remain the same, then its smooth sailing.
Post by ~Handy~ on Feb 12, 2008 8:05:36 GMT -5
Im staying!
Post by Omega on Feb 12, 2008 15:46:01 GMT -5
Well, if you all feel that strongly, I'll stay, too.
Baby Pokémon
Posts: 98
Post by Flame on Feb 12, 2008 18:29:55 GMT -5
P.S. Handy, I'm a she.
Post by ~Handy~ on Feb 13, 2008 14:07:46 GMT -5
Post by Ren on Feb 13, 2008 17:52:05 GMT -5
Good, I'm glad that's settled. I'd hate it if ya'll all left. ^___^ Oh, PS: I just want to let you guys know that I won't be on until Wednesday. I'm going to Disney World with the choir at my school. I'll be back soon! ~Renny~
Baby Pokémon
Posts: 98
Post by Flame on Feb 13, 2008 19:31:05 GMT -5
Post by Jespeon on Feb 16, 2008 3:53:23 GMT -5
Theres no way on EARTH I would ever desert Erymire even I'm the only member left! Like I've said so many times before, Erymire is my soul! And I think quite a few people agree with me here!
So I'm sorry omega but like I said in my pm to you, you can never re-create the magic of Erymire no matter how hard you try!!!
Post by Omega on Feb 16, 2008 9:18:02 GMT -5
And like I said in mine, I'm not trying to destroy it. If anything, I'm trying to help it. A forum should have mods.
Post by Jespeon on Feb 16, 2008 15:14:13 GMT -5
I know, I know, I exploded at you before and its because I've had a bad day. Sorry. Again. However, if anyone was interested in a new wild pokemon site with me and burnthropes as the two admins, I am making a new site called Island In Danger. Its not a copy of Erymire or anything, just my own little idea. Its not quite finished yet but you can still join, make your character and roleplay. islandindanger.proboards104.com/index.cgi
Basic Pokémon
USOE=Unofficial Spriter Of Erymire
Posts: 250
Post by Rachel on Feb 17, 2008 12:39:49 GMT -5
Post by Darkfire on Feb 17, 2008 12:55:02 GMT -5
I've been here for a while, but I lost the link a while ago. Sorry. ^^; Whatever you guys decide, I'll put 110% behind it for you guys if you want my help.
Post by Jespeon on Feb 17, 2008 13:02:09 GMT -5
DARKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
Post by Darkfire on Feb 17, 2008 13:09:24 GMT -5
-gasps- Wow. I've been hugged. o.O
Post by Jespeon on Feb 17, 2008 14:06:08 GMT -5
Lol. Its been ages since I last sure you.
Post by Ren on Feb 20, 2008 19:45:06 GMT -5
Where have you been, buddy? We missed you!!!!