Post by o~|*( |*/\/\*|~o on May 23, 2008 20:00:49 GMT -5
Rhyme nodded to the Vulpix and disappeared into the forest after Lavender circled bck around. Catching sight of the Pidgeotto, the Muravix dashed from the site.
Post by Sephalesh on May 23, 2008 20:10:50 GMT -5
Asaru was asleep, but he could still sleep talk, but couldn't move unless he was in threat. "No . . . Thanks . . . You are nice, but the quest is suicide every single way, no matter what you try. Good luck is . . . the only way to pull it off." the abra said in a dreamlike state. His words before that had just been a product of him entering sleep phase with so much going through his mind. Right now, he had to sleep.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 23, 2008 20:59:29 GMT -5
James looked to her confused and yawned. Maybe a nap would be nice. He laid down and crossed his feet, and laid his head on them, soon falling asleep...
Post by Sephalesh on May 23, 2008 21:17:40 GMT -5
Asaru slept quietly from then on, always prepared to teleport the both of them in case predators came, but none did, for hours, at least. The abra was planning his next move. Where could he go? He could only think of his own plan.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 23, 2008 22:09:59 GMT -5
James was having a horible nightmare. He could see his parents blood, dripping from their lifeless bodies. "N-no...g-g-go aw-away!" he shouted in his sleep as he tossed and turned.
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 9:21:38 GMT -5
Asaru started getting these weird images of blood dripping from these strange pokemon. He heard shouting too. He was scared inside. ASaru didn't know that he had accidentally fallen into James'es dream.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 9:27:10 GMT -5
A huge Dragonite then came over to James. "Look at your mother and father...all limp and dead...maybe I'll take their skins...but don't worry...you are next..." it said through its teeth. James had tears streaming down his face as he saw his mother's and father's skin pulled off and the large Dragonite wrapped them around his waist, seeing as though he was too big to actually where them...
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 11:00:51 GMT -5
Asaru saw this huge dragonite come from nowhere. He couldn't hear what it said, or who it said it to, but it pulled the skin off of the pokemon. Asaru was shaking uncontrollably in fear. Whatever was happening, he had no control over it.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 15:23:38 GMT -5
James then looked around for a way out. He either had to fight, or run. James had more tears streaming down his face as he ran off, just in time to dodge a Hyper Beam that was meant for him. James ran for milee before looking up. The Dragonite shot more Hyper Beams down at him and all James could use was an Ember attack, but it never reached. The Dragonite laughed so loud that it shook the Earth like a thundershock or an earthquake, but James kept running, running for his life.
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 17:15:35 GMT -5
Asaru was somehow pulled along. even though he couldn't see james, he saw the ember attacks coming from whatever the Dragonite was shooting at. the hyper beams kept coming without any kind of pause. he was too scred to move, yet he did. the little abra didn't know what to do, or what it was.
While the two pokemon slept, a disturbance was steadily racing up the stream. it had passed, and even overtaken many pokemon already. It was a wall of water, of water that the round stone inside had collected on it's way up the stream. it was now 20meters high, a mostrosity. At the speed it was going. . . It would crush both James and Asaru once it got to them.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 17:39:46 GMT -5
Then all of a sudden, James woke up, tears streaming down his face as he screamed. He then looked to the ball of water and shook Asaru awake. "What the crap?!" James yelled watching it
Post by o~|*( |*/\/\*|~o on May 24, 2008 18:16:47 GMT -5
Lavender landed, rolling across the ground andlanding stomach up. She laid there a moment before gettng up and checking her wings for any damage. "Gyaahh... the... Shrine's... to... far from the... stream." she panted, tired from her flight.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 18:19:08 GMT -5
"Mhm...what Shrine...and I think we have bigger problems..." James said trying to get two thoughts in at once. He then pointed his head back to the ball of water coming towards them.
Post by o~|*( |*/\/\*|~o on May 24, 2008 18:30:22 GMT -5
Lavender finally noticed the wave. "Oh... that... The Abra could probably Teleport, or use Protect. You, being aFire Pokemon won't fare well. Climb on my back, I can probably fly us out of here."
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 18:37:25 GMT -5
"Ummm...ok...I guess..."James said slightly scared. He had never flown before, it wasn't something he was going to do, or wanted to do for that matter. He quickly climbed on and watched his friend for a second or two as he climbed on.
Post by o~|*( |*/\/\*|~o on May 24, 2008 18:58:28 GMT -5
"Where d'ya want to go?" Lavender asked, rising slow eough into the air so James could gain some confidence in flying, but fast enough to avoid the coming water. "Rhyme's at the Shrine... oh yeah... 'cuz the ceremony's tonight... I'd take you to her, but... you could be subjected to evolving into a Muravix, but I don't wanna take the risk, even if you can't evolve into a Mura..."
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 19:00:31 GMT -5
"What ceremony...and trust me...I'm not to fond of turning into something I don't want to..." James said looking down with fright.
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 21:18:08 GMT -5
Asaru was glad to see the dream being gone, but when James tried to wake him up, he continued sleeping, even though he knew james needed him. If he woke up now, he would lose all of his psychic powers, as happened to all Abra's who didn't sleep enough. Asaru dropped into half sleep mode and teleported onto Lav, sensing the danger.
The giant wave of water continued on it's way, under the brave pidgeotto. Then, suddenly, it took an abrupt right, passing over where the two had been sleeping, and tore away rocks, plants and everything in it's passed. Then it was gone, as suddenly as it appeared it was gone. The only sign of it's passing was a wet trail leading up to the opening of a cave, into which it had dissapeared. The boulder in the middle had shot through first, and then all the water had been sucked in behind it, faster than the blink of an eye. The stream started filling up the dry space the wave had left.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 22:22:45 GMT -5
"I'm glad we weren't down there..." James said with a breath.
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 22:27:40 GMT -5
Asaru mumbled something about ninetails and Dragonite in his half sleep.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 22:28:56 GMT -5
"What???" James asked as he looked at her...
Post by o~|*( |*/\/\*|~o on May 24, 2008 22:30:33 GMT -5
Lavender coasted back to the ground and allowed James and Asaru to get off her back.
Post by Sephalesh on May 24, 2008 22:42:18 GMT -5
Asaru mumbled a thanks in his sleep state. In a flash the Abra was back on the ground, which was now wet from the water. "Luke. . ." Asaru said sleeptalking again.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 24, 2008 22:59:53 GMT -5
"Asaru...what is it???" James said looking at her.
Post by Sephalesh on May 25, 2008 8:21:50 GMT -5
Asaru was falling back into a deeper sleep again, slowly ending his sleep talk. He had learned a lot of things by accidentaly entering into James dreams.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 25, 2008 8:47:16 GMT -5
"Come on Asaru...don't sleep on me..." James pleaded.
Post by Sephalesh on May 25, 2008 9:00:42 GMT -5
The little Abra didn't wake up, but when James moved away, Asaru teleported to him, unconcoiusly following the Vulpix.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 25, 2008 11:30:23 GMT -5
James really wanted to know what he was talking about, but had to wait for her to wake up
Post by Sephalesh on May 25, 2008 12:01:04 GMT -5
Asaru opened his eyes and let out a yawn. He looked up at James. "Good morning" the abra squeeked.
Post by Ninetails93 on May 25, 2008 12:04:42 GMT -5
"Thank god your awake...now tell me what you know?!" James almost immediatly questioned. "You were talking about a Ninetails and a Dragonite and then you said my name...I know that Abra's, Kadabra's and Alakazams came see the future...so what did you see?!"