Post by mintchan on Oct 4, 2008 20:36:00 GMT -5
Aisa blinked. That name sounded...odd. And that definitely wasn't what she remembered being called for her first few days of life. No, that wasn't it...but how to sound it out...? She shook her head at them both.
"....A...." she said softly. "...Ai.....Ai...sa...." Yeah, that was it...and these two, well, they were acting quite like what she thought parents were. Her eyes flicked back up towards them, and the faintest hint of a smile graced her face. Maybe here it would be safe.
Post by Ren on Oct 6, 2008 17:36:57 GMT -5
Eriko huffed. "Surely, you're not serious," she told him with a soft glare. It was strictly playful, of course.
Her ears twitched when the child stuttered her own name. "Aisa, is that right?" she asked, blinking. She got down on the ground so she was at eye level with the eevee. "Such a pretty name," she told her, smiling gently.
Post by mintchan on Oct 7, 2008 20:58:56 GMT -5
Another smile flickered on Aisa's face at the compliment. She sounded so sincere when she said it. Now Aisa knew...these two had to be the people that she had been missing all her life. While she did so hesitantly, she crawled forward towards Eriko and nestled up against her, smiling. "M-Mommy!" she said happily, beaming for the first time since, well...ever. "...F-found you...!"
Post by Ren on Oct 8, 2008 16:28:06 GMT -5
Surprise hit the flareon as she quickly covered up her taken aback expression. She smiled sincerly down at Aisa. Clearly-and Eriko knew this-she was far to young to have a child. She never even had a mate before. But what was she to tell the child? 'No, I'm not your mother'? Who would be that cruel? And Aisa was so happy...Eriko's heart melted.
"You found me," was all she could reply. Maybe she was meant to find the young one. Maybe she was supposed to be her mother. So, she agreed to the silent force telling her to do so. She nudged the eevee lovingly.
Post by mintchan on Oct 9, 2008 9:24:14 GMT -5
Aisa smiled and nuzzled into her newfound mother's fur before glancing over at Ven with just as large of a smile as she had flashed to Eriko. "P-Papa too?" she asked inquisitively, tilting her head. Her eyes shined with hope as she turned back to Eriko. "..A-and others...?" The question, while it seemed innocent enough, brought a new round of questions to the table...pokemon like them normally traveled in packs, if they could help it...Aisa was obviously wondering whether it would be just the three of them, staying at the stream, or if they were planning to go somewhere new and find the rest of their unknown family. In short...what would be the next step...?
Post by Ren on Oct 13, 2008 11:23:48 GMT -5
Eriko's face twitched at the thought of Ven being the father. She hardly knew him. But she made no point to correct the child. Ven could do that if he wished.
"We have to find the others," Eriko replied to Aisa's question.
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Post by †Grovyle† on Oct 16, 2008 15:20:21 GMT -5
Ven winked at Aisa and ruffled her hair lightly with his paws. "Yup!I'm Papa!" He leaned over to whisper in Eriko's ear. "We HAVE to get along for the time being....until we find her real parents. Unless, you wish to keep her?I gotta' say the little pup is very clingy."
Ven barked. "First, we should get some distance from this spot....I know those things might come back for a taste. Then, we eat and sleep in a safe spot for the night. Unless 'mommy' wants to make other plans."
Post by mintchan on Oct 17, 2008 9:07:12 GMT -5
Aisa beamed up at them both. They were just as she always imagined they would be...or rather...well, sort of what she had imagined. The way they acted, anyway, that part was right. Her mother, Eriko, sweet and responsible...and her father Ven, strong and brave...they didn't really look like the pokemon she had imagined, but that didn't matter. She nuzzled into Eriko again with a content sigh...before her stomach rumbled.
"...h-hungry..." she murmured softly, looking down a bit in embarrassment. They never had gone to hunt...she was starving.
Post by Ren on Oct 18, 2008 13:06:26 GMT -5
Eriko laughed gently. "It looks like you ARE hungry. Hmm..." she seemed to be thinking. "Ven, how old do you think she is?" she whispered. As most know, different aged canines eat different things. The older said canine is, the more variety it can eat.
She stood slowly, so not to startle "her" new pup. "I guess we'll travel for now until we find more pack members. But first thing is first; we find something to eat," she said to Ven. She agreed with him. The pup was clingy. And she very much wanted to keep her. Part of her didn't want to find Aisa's parents.
((Mint-chan! Since Aisa is now practically part of the pack, being Eri-chan's "daughter" now, you'll have to post her on the Pack page. Just find it on the character submission page. It won't be too hard. ^__^))
Post by mintchan on Oct 20, 2008 16:25:30 GMT -5
(Hehe, all done ^^ thanks for telling me)
Aisa's eyes brightened at the thought of food. "F-Food!" she cried happily, tilting her head so that her floppy ear fell over her eye. She kept close to Ven and Eriko, but began to sniff around. All she knew was that her favorite thing to munch on had been red...some sort of berry; she was too young to hunt for herself and didn't know how. But, maybe she would find some in the nearby bushes. Either that or her parents would help out...she just hoped for food to come soon.
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Post by †Grovyle† on Oct 22, 2008 14:08:34 GMT -5
Ven looked around. "She must be searching for berries.....too young to find meat like that." He trotted up to Aisa and tilted his head. "What you lookin' for,Aisa?"
Post by mintchan on Oct 22, 2008 14:13:32 GMT -5
Aisa looked up from her search. "...B-Berry...u-um..." She glanced around...she wasn't sure what to call the color "red" yet. Then, she noticed the blood on Ven's paws. It had most likely come from when he had defended her from that strange Pokemon...still, she didn't know what blood was yet either. "T-That one!" she exclaimed, pointing at her "Papa's" claws with a proud beam. "Berries, that one. Yum!" She smiled up at him.
Post by Ren on Oct 22, 2008 16:49:50 GMT -5
"Ah! That's red, sweetie. Reh-duh," Eriko pronounced for the eevee. She blinked. "Um...let's see...what berry is red?" she asked out loud to no one in particular, looking around. She continued to mumble to herself and something like "cherry berry, maybe?" could barely be heard.
((I really can't think of any red berries. Also, that's how my friend spells red, so I figure I'd throw that in. ^___^))
Baby Pokémon
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Post by †Grovyle† on Oct 25, 2008 9:18:21 GMT -5
Ven licked his claws, to rid of the dried blood. "Yep,kiddo! Maybe a Cheri Berry?I'll get some if you want......or you could use your little nose." And then something struck him. "Was it spicy,tasteless,sour or sweet?"
Post by mintchan on Oct 26, 2008 10:32:36 GMT -5
Aisa tilted her head for a moment in thought. "...Sweet. Real' sweet." She smiled, remembering the flavor, before putting her nose down and sniffing the area once more, shuffling towards a clump of bushes filled with spots of color...
"A-Ah!" A large smile spread across her face as she buried her head into one of the bushes, before pulling out a large Mago berry. She bit into it, savoring the flavor...she hadn't really had much of anything to eat, not in a long time. She was very pleased that she had found it on her own, based on scent. "Hehe, y-yum!"
Post by Ren on Oct 26, 2008 12:15:39 GMT -5
Eriko smiled, happy the child could find food on her own. They would have to teach her to hunt as soon as the pack grew larger. It will come in handy in case she or Ven aren't around.
"There you go. Some food," she stated, sitting next to the child.
Post by mintchan on Nov 15, 2008 22:36:54 GMT -5
(sorry for not posting anything...i couldn't think of anything to do i'm stuck. I'll try though...) Aisa chomped through all the berries she had found in a matter of minutes. They were even better than she had imagined...it must have been her stomach playing tricks on her, but it was definitely the best meal she had ever eaten before. "Mmmm!" she hummed merrily, settling down next to Eriko with a tiny yawn. "..Mommy?" she murmured. "Where're we goin' now? Are we goin' to find others now? Where are they...?" Yes, that was a good question...Aisa knew they were fire-types...and even though she was alright with the weather, her parents probably hated it. So where were they going to go now...?
Baby Pokémon
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Post by †Grovyle† on Nov 16, 2008 21:08:05 GMT -5
Aisa's pondering was somewhat true. Ven didn't hate water, it was just how prone he was to injury. Ven walked over towards Aisa, with a determined look on his face. "I'm thinkin' about making a detour....I believe Aisa and I are requiring certain stones. But, the journey is long and the change difficult." Though she was young, Aisa could decipher that he meant evolution. Her selection was beyond tough. Before his thoughts could continue, a set of jade eyes set upon Ven. Instinctively, he shot a flame at the creature to hear it yelp and roll out of a bush. 'Another st-' Ven was stunned when he saw cuffs around the creatures feet. They were titanium and went from the ankle to the knee. "Okay, Aisa, we forgot you have a brother." he said, winking at Eriko. ((OOC- I'm going to use this character to make a connection between the Horde and the pack.))
Post by Ren on Nov 17, 2008 18:05:24 GMT -5
"Say what?" Eriko asked immediately, glaring at Ven. Okay, no matter how bad her memory was, she would remember actually having a child. She held in the curses she had for Ven, for Aisa's sake, but he was going to get it sooner or later. For now, she stared at the newcomer. ((SOrry it's short, ya'll. I don't really know what's going on...heh... ))
Post by mintchan on Nov 17, 2008 22:16:24 GMT -5
Aisa blinked and hid behind her father at the sudden appearance of the pokemon, shivering slightly. She found it interesting how her Papa had called him her brother though…cautiously, she stepped out and sniffed the air. The past few things her Papa said had been confusing to her. Not just this brother, who smelled as though he hadn’t taken a bath in a very long time…but, the subtler hint of change. Change? Aisa…she wasn’t sure if she wanted to change. Not yet anyway. Plus, she did know enough about her kind to know that there were many different grown-ups she could choose to be from. He had made it sound like such an urgent matter…but did she really have to transform that quickly?...She shook her head, ridding herself of those thoughts. Papa would know what was best after all. Him and Mommy. They would help her out…and in the meantime she wanted to make sense of this brother. She took another cautious step forward, ears pricking up…
Baby Pokémon
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Post by †Grovyle† on Nov 20, 2008 16:09:45 GMT -5
Ven smiled at Aisa. "You don't have to right now...when we teach you and your brother how to hunt." The creature turned out to be another Eevee but he looked different just as Aisa did. His fur was a metallic silver and black mane, with green hues in his eyes. The pup sort of pounced towards Aisa in a playful manner. "Artemis play with sister!" he shouted in a excited, high-pitched voice. 'Well he wasn't that hard to convince....somethings funny.'
Artemis the Eevee was actually a lot more sinister than he looked. He had plans for his future but now it was just playing dumb.
Post by Ren on Nov 20, 2008 17:28:29 GMT -5
Eriko stood protectively in front of Aisa. Something didn't smell right about that pup, but she knew not what was wrong. Well, she figured, a mother had to go by instincts.
She took this time to look the eevee over with narrowed eyes. Yep, something was definately up, but she couldn't figure out what. But as long as she was alive and well, her daughter would not be put in danger.
"Where did you get that?" she asked Ven with disgust, making sure that Aisa would not get past her to the strange-smelling eevee. If Aisa was smart, she'd heed her mother's subtle warnings; Eriko was extremely wise, after all.
((I love how Eri-chan is now calling Aisa "hers". That's amusing to me. ^__^ Be happy, Mint-chan!))
Post by mintchan on Nov 20, 2008 21:09:19 GMT -5
Aisa could almost taste the tension her mommy was giving off. Still...if that was her brother, why was she getting so upset? Wouldn't she know that, anyway? Carefully, she slipped underneath Eriko's legs, poking her head out to see the strange little eevee face to face. Her curiosity was getting the best of her now that she had her parents to watch out for her. "..Ar...te...mis?" she said softly, looking up first at her Papa and then at her Mother. "...Why does he...s-smell...weird?" (lol, very happy thanks for giving Aisa a spot in the pack ^^)
Baby Pokémon
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Post by †Grovyle† on Nov 21, 2008 17:22:37 GMT -5
Ven tilted his head in a nonchalant way. "I don't know......I think I saw it in the forest. Anyway, isn't the new guy kinda' funny..." he murmured. "Yeah, that's Artemis, call him Artie.....um......I believe he was-" Ven was slightly stunned about Artemis. His paws had a fainted, but strong scent. 'Blood.....' Artemis sat with puppy dog eyes, big and teary. ".....Papa?My paws feel funny..." He backed up immeadiately, and began to shake. "Eriko.....let's get walkin'.....Artemis, you.....erm.....and Aisa go find some new berries. We'll be here..." The new one was a stray but he had a sinister touch to him, but Ven believed he could really change what Artemis was. (OOC-See what I plan to do, is make Artemis feel a bit like they favor over Aisa than him once he does change, then he feels like he should cross over from a lighter alliance to a darker one, which could possibly lead up to the pack's possible destruction, if you approve, Ren. I just like havin' evil peoples underneath my chin and don't know.)
Post by Ren on Nov 21, 2008 17:28:39 GMT -5
Eriko growled the second Ven said something about Aisa going with the thing. "Don't move, Aisa," she commanded almost harshly. This Artemis would have to pull a lot off to convince her that something wasn't wrong. It wasn't the blood, it wasn't the color; it was the SMELL. It smelled evil to her. It smelled just like that dark pokemon she had met, an umbreon that worked for the Horde.
((So to be mean, but you did say he will rebel later. ^__^ I don't mind, but wait until we grow first.
Isn't Artemis the Greek goddess of hunting? Hmm...))
Baby Pokémon
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Posts: 143
Post by †Grovyle† on Nov 21, 2008 17:39:58 GMT -5
Artemis huffed a bit as Eriko screamed. Evil ran in his blood but he only wanted love and attention, and he felt as if Aisa was hogging it all. He sat in the grass, trying to perfect his Tail Whip. He didn't need it, but the attention shortage was killing him. ((OOC- Darn...yeah. You see, I was gonna' let him lead a group called 'The Hunt' and basically they pillaged and might do something with souls. I'm not quite sure yet about their purpose.))
Post by Ren on Nov 21, 2008 17:45:24 GMT -5
Eriko frowned, looking down at her daughter. "Stay here," she said, then walked towards Artemis. Sitting down next to him, she pulled him towards her and started to lick him. Maybe she could clean the smell away.
In all honesty, she felt guilty now. Everyone deserved a chance, right? But she would make sure he was safe before Aisa was allowed near him.
((At least he's got a gender now, and is no longer an "it".))
Baby Pokémon
I'm back!AND I'M NOT 21!
Posts: 143
Post by †Grovyle† on Nov 21, 2008 17:53:12 GMT -5
The licking disturbed Artemis. He preferred a creek but this would do. He scratched his ear flicking off black gunk and dirt. Probably wasn't 'evil', he was a bit on the musty side. Artemis only sprawled out and yawned.
Post by Ren on Nov 21, 2008 17:57:06 GMT -5
Eriko sighed. Isn't that what mothers did? What a confusing thing. How did they do it?
She pouted at Ven. "Where to now?" she grumbled.
Post by mintchan on Nov 24, 2008 15:32:50 GMT -5
Aisa sat quietly and watched from her spot. Why was it alright for Eriko and Ven to go over...but not her? She frowned and rested her head on her forepaws, whining a bit softly. Was she not allowed to be with her family anymore...? She had had to search for so long... cautiously she inched closer on her belly, keeping low to the ground so she wouldn't be so far away. "....Brother's got...d-dirt...all over him..." she said softly, glancing at her mother. "B-But...he doesn't w-want Mommy to h-help?" She tilted her head towards Artemis. "Mommy only wants t-to lick you c-clean...i-it's a b-bath..."